Saturday, May 26, 2012

So what do you do when you haven't written on your blog in years, but have the urge to get back to it? Are you supposed to start a new one from scratch? Is all that has passed before, and perhaps the theme of the blog no longer relevant? Will anyone else even notice the rekindling?  Aw, who cares?!?

I jumped out of a plane yesterday! My second skydive in life.
And I have to admit the second was far more thrilling. While the first jump rated higher on the nerves, the second is pure adrenaline. None of the panic, no butterflies. You lean out of the opening, looking down at thousands of feet of air, smile, and jump. Into thin air.  Free. Falling.

We went to Skydive Long Island, and my tandem Instructor Max kept it real. We came out of the plane doing 360s to the left.  I'm not sure how many we did, but it was righteous! A bit of cloudiness cut the elevation to which we could climb by several thousand feet, which in turn shortens the freefall time.
Regardless, it was a blast. Highly recommended in my world.