In my last dream before I woke up, I won a speedwalking contest. How lame is that?!? At least I wasn´t wearing some Richard Simmons get up. Phew!
So today I´m on to Cuenca. Old world charm, lots of historical sites and museums, and the only site of Incan ruins in Ecuador. I may come back to Baños for the weekend. I hear that in Cuenca no one is spared during Carnaval!
Did you know? The word hola actually means wave. So when you greet someone and say hola, the direct translation is wave. Interesting to think...we greet people from a distance with a wave all the time but never say that particular word.
Quick note: As you may have noticed, I figured out how to upload photos, so scroll back through old blogs if you´d like to view what I´ve uploaded thus far. In this entry, I included a photo of Pearl and me. The owners live next door to where I´m staying and their puppy is the most precious little thing in the world!!
Just look at her!
1 comment:
Are you getting super skinny on me girl? Not that you were a heffa or anything but you look super thin in that pic! And the pup...SMooshy cute!
Be careful on your next adventure!
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