Thursday, December 4, 2008


I know, I know. If you're not a woman (and even we cower at the thought), who wants to hear about that?? I bring it up, nonetheless, only to make an official proposal for a new definition of the anagram. My initials, ACS, stand not only for my full name but also for the American Cancer Society as well as the city's Administration of Children's Services. Great, right? Well, here's my theory.

In this day and age, it seems more appropriate that P.M.S. stand for "prescribe me something." Not exactly glamorous, in fact vernacular and an imperative to boot, this explanation of those initials seems far more indicative of our current climate. Besides, premenstrual syndrome is passe, now that there's a pill for it.

On the one hand, we have our naturalists. I call them grassroots folks, those who eat mostly grass and roots, who enjoy a back-to-nature lifestyle. Many eat only organic, raw foods and base that decision on personal health and global philosophy. If I understand at all, the notion is that we don't have to kill to eat. At the same time, any of these followers I've met also relies upon vitamins, herbs and/or supplements to gain nutrients necessary to achieving personal health. So it would it seem that something is missing.

On the other hand, we have the medicinalists. Quick fixers, I like to call them, also known affectionately as pill poppers, they enjoy remedying whatever may ail them with the latest prescription. I can understand the mentality. If this thing fixes the problem and makes me feel better, why not take it?

But here's what's interesting to me. Is any of us under control of herself? Is there something missing or wrong with each of us that needs be fixed, remedied? Whether on one side of the spectrum or the other, or hiding out in the middle somewhere, does each of us harbor a void? And can it be filled with herbs, aromatherapy, heroin, zoloft?

Ok, ok, ok. Maybe I should make it "pickle me something." Everything's good pickled.

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