Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Early Bird

I woke up early this morning and couldn't get back to sweet slumber without having attempted to find ground turkey.  Yes, the ever elusive runner-up for America's national symbol, a true original native of America, at least according to Ben Franklin.
The flower section at my local supermarket
Ground beef and pricier cuts of steaks have been the only options lately at most supermarkets at the hours I have visited.  These are funny times indeed.  So, I snuck down my street and weaved the two blocks and two avenues to Key Food, my local.  There are a few Trader Joe's in walking distance as well, but that seemed too overwhelming.  My little local will suffice for today's tactical mission.  I waited in a short line outside, mindful to keep the requisite safe distance from others, and three minutes later, bee-lined to the meat section.  Eureka!  Ground gobbler goodness!  This early bird is thankful to find another bird early.

1 comment:

Sockmonkee said...

Yeah its been total "hoarderville" here too. Somewhere out there is a person sitting in a TP fort in their living room, gobbling a whole chicken, and turkey burger at the same time.
I never say this about ANYONE...but I hope they get fat..heh...