Monday, October 8, 2007

Anyone for tennis?

So I waited on John McEnroe today. And one daughter, for sure. The older one may have also been, but you could definitely tell that the younger was. Daddy McEnroe has a tattoo on his arm which I never knew. I've seen him broadcasting tennis matches, if anything recently, in a suit, so I never guessed he'd be the tattoo sort. He certainly had the attitude necessary, though, to pull one off, as I recall. My co-worker wanted to take his order and, regardless of what he said, reply, "You cannot be serious!?!"

John was super pleasant with me. Just goes to show how many people each of us can be. And the different people we play in this life, whether at work on a tennis court, in a restaurant, on t.v., even as a dad.

It must be fun to be the blend of celebrity who is as equally famous as infamous.

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