Friday, October 26, 2007

We're only human

So Bono came into the restaurant with his daughters and wife this morning. At least I think that's who the 3 women with him were. They certainly seemed familial. They stood at the bar waiting for a table. Funny about where I work. Even Bono has to wait for a table. There's just something nice about being fair to everybody. Fine, you're a worldwide celebrity, with the power to impact millions with your influence. And yet you choose to patron a place where you're treated like everybody else. I think it says something about a person. Having all that fame, being able to go anywhere in the city, in the world, and probably have your whole meal comped, all fancy schmancy and snooty, and yet, you choose to go to a place where no one treats you any different than the struggling cellist next to you or the dominatrix on her third Bloody Mary at the bar.

I didn't recognize him at first. Offered them all coffee or juice while waiting, and then heard that all to familiar voice ask for coffee. I almost fell over but didn't let it show. He and his posse were lovely. Everyone noticed him. And yet no one said a word. New Yorkers are a trip. "Honey, look! It's Bono!" uttered under her breath. Then, "Excuse me! Can I have more coffee?" Just goes to show. We're all still people. With our own agendas, loved ones, families, eating breakfast, who take coffee with a smidge of milk.

And a shout out to one of my loved ones. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAVID! I love you my brother!

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