Thursday, February 14, 2008

Be mine or beware!

My funny valentine this year involved a date with Paul (he keeps his own name--he's gay and in a relationship...) to see our friend Sherry in Arthur Miller's The Crucible. Witches and voodoo and lust, oh my!

The play was long but riveting, and markedly valid even in present times. For those of you who don't know or need a refresher, the play tells the story of the Salem witch trials, and follows the spread of witchery into smaller New England towns. Sherry plays Abigail, the girl who invents the whole idea of seeing spirits only so she can get closer to the married man she loves. As the play progresses, the town is turned up-side-down, none safe from being accused a witch. Abigail's plan, so crafty, explodes in her face, the play ending with the man she loves being hanged. How apropos for Valentine's, eh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope your funny Valentine day was better than Abigail's.