Gathered for the farewell at my folks' flat, we ate, drank, laughed. The women in the group get together far more than the men, so tonight the men were able to meet and carouse. I've been enjoying sparkling red wines like Lambrusco (for which the Italian in Langkawi mocked me--it's apparently swill) for a few years, but tonight shared a sparkling Shiraz. I fear it may be the Boone's Farm for red least it doesn't come in a box! I enjoy wine, regardless, and I hope haven't been a snob about it. Others liked it, too. And even men!
Getting to meet the people my parents have been talking about for 2 years is also cool. My mom, in particular, has traveled a fair amount with friends, taken Tai Chi with others and told stories about their lives. It's nice to put a name to the faces.
I have to admit, as well, I love parties. People getting together, having a meal, drinks. I just love it. And I much prefer to play hostess rather than being a simple guest. It's a delight, I think, in making sure people are enjoying and have all they desire.
We watched the sunset and chatted about our experiences.
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