Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cameron Highlands

And, of course, what I figured would happen did happen. I got stuck in Tapah last night. It's not even on the map I have of Malaysia. The last bus to CH left Tapah at 3:30, which the folks in KL neglected to mention. Joy.

So after cruising the two streets of Tapah, I had satay and carrot juice for dinner. The juice is mixed with condensed milk and is too sweet for me. Like a creamcicle only carrot flavored. For satay, they run a stick through meat, place it on a grill and fan it with a banana leaf. It's hard to tell where people are from here. But, for sure, I am the only foreigner. They're all mixed up and mixed together and it's great. I'm sure it's just a surface observation of one unaware. I went to an internet cafe and was met with a fair amount of shock. A strange woman, and on her own?

My bus for CH left at 8:30 this morning. And I have made it! I'm staying in a dorm at Daniel Lodge and love it. The people are so friendly. The air is cool, a breeze, and the mountains. For the first time in weeks, I'm not sweating!

I walked to a small waterfall today and stumbled upon a snake. Looking, looking, closer, closer and it raised its head. Yikes! Anne-be-gone! The waterfall was beautiful but underneath bobbed tons of empty water bottles. I'm afraid eco-tourism hasn't truly hit CH yet. A conscious effort, I'm doing all I can to create no garbage while here, or at least nothing that cannot be recycled. We'll see.

In the evening, everyone heads to the Jungle Bar, attached to the lodge. The town has two bars, apparently, the other of which is seldom hopping. So most of the nightlife happens around a bonfire behind Daniel Lodge. They serve beer, have a pool table and keep the tunes coming. The stars your roof, it's heavenly. A great mix of people, we were Aussie, Korean, English, Iranian, Swiss, German, Southern Indian, among others. People are indeed people.

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