Some days I feel like I'm watching life go by. People walking, working, watching. Observing others in their lives while I remain a stranger. An outsider. Someone and yet no one. Sometimes I wonder if I'm crazy, too. But then again, it seems like if the thought occurs to you, you can't be crazy. It's only when there is no question that you're nuts, right?
So there's a dog sitting on me. Ah, he just left. But for about ten minutes we

rallied. He came up with a rock, dropped it in the sand and proceeded to bury it, kicking the sand all over me. Talk about an introduction, right? And then he sat on me, made himself quite comfortable. I like Iquique. But then again, I really needed some sun. And the beach. And the heat. It stills get chilly here at night, but nothing like La Paz, Puno, Cusco. And there's an international surf competition this weekend. Maybe I'll learn a little Spanish surfer slang. Wicked! Surfing is the last frontier for me, the only fear I'm holding on to is that of the ocean. Just can seem to wipe the slate clean from almost drowning in Hawaii at 15. Guess that one will have to wait.
Yahoo! Just got to page August 2nd. It's my birthday! It's my birthday!
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