The allure of a new place, a new town, I can't seem to tire of it. Some towns rank higher than others, sure, but there's at least one adventure around a corner in

Chileans have sweet teeth. I just ordered a cappuccino & it's served with whipped cream instead of froth. Maybe they're just too lazy to steam milk. Hey, no complaints. I love whipped cream. And it's served with cookies too and a glass of soda water to freshen your breath afterward. But wait. Breakfast here is a ham & cheese sandwich and a slice of pie. Maybe it's just this place but can't a girl get an egg & cheese on rye? Joke. By the way, you know you've been speaking a different language long enough once you start blending languages. For example, I haven't spelled ham correctly in my journal for weeks. I spell it jam, which would be pronounced ham more or less in Spanish. The Spanish word is technically jamon, but anyway...just cool to see how your mind changes.
My time is coming to a close again. Just 2 weeks left, at least as the plans is now. But it feels better this time.
Oh, and happy birthday, Emily McMahan! It's been a while but still remember that today's your day, girl!! Happy 31!
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