So this morning, I went to pay for my internet usage. Only the bill I gave to the girl who worked there was apparently false. Turns out that my cab driver yesterday gave me change in fake bills. Changing money six times in 4 some-odd months, I'm a swim in pesos, soles, dollars. And I had only been using Argentine pesos for 2 days. Drat! Foiled!

Almost 5 months of traveling without getting scammed. Knock wood. Gotta stay on my toes in Buenos Aires!
And I think I'm ready to stop being on vacation. I want to work again! Maybe not 7 days a week...or maybe...and, sure, parties are great, people are interesting, the sights are gorgeous, but I just want to use my brain again. For real. Anyone know of a job I might be good for? Rock star? Wait, do you use your brain for that one? Researcher? Revolutionary? And hostels.

Pretty much over those, too, and the people in them, and the things that happen in them. They're nice enough, I guess. I just want a little bit of peace and quiet. Does that make me old? And I would also love to see my family. And the friends who have become family. So I can hug all of them!
Oh and about the kitties, as sad as it is to see any creature you love go, it's romantic that they went at just about the same time. Those two'd been together their whole lives. Big brother and little sister. As much as it's sad, I'm glad they're still together.
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