So it's gay pride weekend in the city. Awesome! And we're headed to the Mermaid Parade at Coney Island.

Rumor has it they're shutting down Coney Island, so I'm glad to be going. The day started out with Prosecco, Tony, Lynn and Anne. Uh, oh. Champagne is celebratory and I'm happy to be back in the city. Salud! Wait...cheers!
New York is so beautiful.

Looking out a train onto a parking lot, the numbers of the spaces neon yellow, a full children's park, community housing, an American flag, traffic, another train passing on the next track. And there's an aquarium out here, too! Who knew? It's so systematic too compared to what I've seen in the past months. On the L now, there are digital clocks reporting when the next train arrives. Efficiency.

Move it or lose it, kid. And thank God for the Mexican musicians who hop on and off the subway all over the city. They always lighten the mood. Today they are just two, one with a guitar, another with an accordian. I asked. They're from Guerrero...I've been there! It's nice!
But it's weird to be on the subway again, too. In Santiago, the Metro, in Lima, those caravan bus things or taxis or mototaxis, Buenos Aires,

walking or the Subte, Bogota, the TransMilenio, Quito, the Escovia, La Paz, walking with a gimp leg. I'll never forget it. The woman on the beach in Huanchaco with an
I love NY t-shirt on. Leo on the bus from Cuenca to Quito who convinced the drunk conductor that I had already paid my fare. No abusing the gringa, buddy. Angel, a pot dealer in Buenos Aires and his wife, 38 years-old, 3 kids, plastic surgery and gorgeous. And him a head of curls. Their dogs and kids. Everyone wants the same things. Decent futures for their kids, happiness, success, love.

But for me, sometimes I think I'm different.
I enjoy. I just enjoy. Difficulty, challenges, sunshine, whatever it may be, I enjoy it. A friend called me happy yesterday. Just happy. Is it possible to just have that naturally?
On my, it's lightning bug season in New York! My favorite! And, ok. The word is Florida, as in floor-ida, not flahrida.