Ok, so we've got to talk about Mok. He's the Australian Mark, but it's pronounced Mok in Australian English. Yes, like wok. He, Meg & I have been having the time of our lives laughing, cooking, drinking. So Mok's first night, Meg reheated our pasta without me being a part of it and threw avocado, tomato and ham into the mix. Not sure why. Side note: I've become quite the chef over the past few days.

Sweet sausage & black olive pasta, chicken & broccoli stir-fry with roasted potatoes, nuff said? It's been a good synergy. I can't take all the credit. It's the MAM: Mok Anne Meg combo. So that night Mok walks out of the kitchen, a look of disgust on his face. He has bread, lettuce and cheese on a plate and, just as Meg walks out of the kitchen to sit down with our pasta, Mok says, ¨I hate hostals. Someone stole my ham, avocado and tomato.¨ Quick moment of consoling and Meg chimes in, ¨Do you want some pasta?¨ knowing full well she'd just stolen his food. So she serves him up a plate and as he's eating he mentions the avocado and tomato. Hmm. So, Meg kept the secret for 2 days. Mind you a secret in real life can last forever, but a secret while traveling is bound to come out. What do you have with other travelers if not a really brief time to share your souls?
So after showing Meg the bounty from yesterday's shopping spree, she had to get her freak on. We went for empanadas, of which I ate four--mistake, and then we went shopping. And I'm not sure if you know Anne and shopping but it's like hot wings and beer. Both great on their own, but together, explosive! All those years working at the GAP just come right back. Oh, how scary. Anyway, Meg found some good stuff too, still the 2 for 1. SCORE.
So tonight is Mok's last night so it's kind of sad. And I think Meg's shoving off

tomorrow. I haven't met 2 others with whom I've had such camaraderie since traveling. It's been really fun. Hate to see it come to an end. Oh yeah! Mok also pulled one over on Meg and me both. He told me this story the night we stayed up til dawn about being a hand model. And I bought it, hook, line and sinker. Gullible. So the next day he told Meg too, and she also bought it. The cool thing, though, about Mok. His face betrays him. When lying, the dimple on the right side of his face shows itself, and then he's busted. Anyway, here's some evidence of his work.
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