Saturday, May 2, 2009

Black and white

Another day of rain. Another bummer. So, to the streets I go.

I am fascinated with graffiti around the world. I'm fascinated by a lot, let's be honest.

While far from an artist myself, although hopefully a creative person, I am interested in people and their work. Globally. Tags, art, stories, perspectives, which and whatever. Whether a simple message, political stance, or art for art's sake, the images with which we choose to surround ourselves speak to life. And while a fair amount of work is needed on my part to give credit where credit is due, hopefully, some exposure is better than none. Indeed, I am far behind.

While wildlife and nature are what Borneo is known for, things haven't worked out exactly as I'd hoped while here. So this shall remain my impression of Borneo and a different kind of wildlife.

The images in this post are from an abandoned lot in Kota Kinbalu. White columns, the bones of a building yet to be erected, have been made into a makeshift gallery. The power of the image shared equally in the hands of the artist and the eyes of those looking.

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