Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I met an old friend today for lunch. It's not so much that either of us is old, thank you very much, but that I've known her now almost half my life. We shared details of our lives over bowls of soup.

Originally, we met the first day of university, a long time ago now. The two years we were both there happened to be some of the most personally embarrassing, disappointing and trying moments of my life even still. It has always been difficult for me, feeling somewhat trapped by those memories, as though to her I've never been anyone different or beyond who she knew then.

A different person I am in many ways, still the same in some, I wonder if she feels the same. We grow. We change. We are at best vague reflections of those memories passed. And all in all, it's more comforting to know a person for a long time, I think, than to strike a match and watch your friendship burn out. To see the changes we all go through, input or none. To share.

And when I look back on it, she taught me how to share. At Runk Dining Hall (the horror!), she always used to nibble off my plate. To the point where I'd get more of things in order to accommodate. Looking back, we should have shared a meal today, in honor of those days.

Whatever happens, I'll be happy to know her, however long it may be. It's funny to think that someday we may be staring at each other across a table, grayed and withered. Til then, and even then, nothing but the best, girl!

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