Walking through Central Station, the Hare Krishnas and Jehovah's Witnesses are having a turf war! It's like
West Side Story, only their weapons are hand cymbals and
Awake! magazine.
So Woolworths is a huge chain here, which is surprising.

The company in the US and the one here apparently unrelated, I'm shocked a company would choose this name to open a store, launch a brand. But when talking to people about it here, they know nothing about the segregation or sit-ins and boycotts in the 60s in the States. The sign out front even reads welcome. I guess we all have our own history. And I am half a world away, in a different hemisphere, among new generations.
And there's Krispy Kreme here. All of sudden, I'm 13 in the back of someone's dad's van cruising down Ponce to the main store in Atlanta.
And can we talk about another observation Australian? A

friend of mine Paul, he's from Melbourne. And he's a bit obsessed with coffee. And now? I get it, Paul. Even at the junkiest spot in the CBD, the coffee annihilates any New York breakfast cart's. It is an art form. And my vow from back in the Cameron Highlands to drink tea instead of coffee? I take it all back. I bow down to the Aussie coffee gods. And will make many offerings.
Oh, yeah! I almost forgot.

They drive these cars here, like an updated El Camino. Or some sort of scary blend of a sedan and pick-up. I am not a fan. But I fear I am all alone in that. They're apparently called Utes (yoots), as in utility vehicles. Oh, they make me giggle!
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