Saturday, May 16, 2009

Smile and look pretty

Cambodia, anyone? We landed in Siem Reap today. Into the airport, you join a line for entry visa processing. Handing over your application, photos and money, the gentlemen behind the counter check the info, place your money in a briefcase and slide you down to the end of the counter.

I opted to write in a journal for a few minutes, leaning on the counter. Not wise. One of the officials approached me, leaned over to look at what I was writing and then called out something to another official. Oh, crap. Logging your observations of the visa procedure and processing? Wait until you've actually been granted the visa and aren't under the watch and scrutiny of officials. Sometimes, I'm just an idiot. Have I mentioned that lately? I wrote for ten more seconds, then packed up my notebook and pen. I make this joke from time to time that all my mother told me growing up was, "Just smile and look pretty." That anything in life will swing in your favor if you follow that saying. Not sure it works in Cambodia. I may be headed back to Singapore yet again, and sooner than I had expected.

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