So that date 3 times fast. Yeah...I could do it, too.
I have a good life. Not that I'm bragging, or that it's all that amazing what I do from day to day. I just have a good life. I'm proud of my family, proud of my friends, and working toward making me proud of me. I'm not disappointed in me, I just have

the desire to succeed in a few new ways. Not so much career, per se, marriage, kids, that kind of stuff, although if those happen, I'll certainly do my best. But more as in expression. Finding that right place for me and my quirky voice and form. Maybe writing, maybe painting, maybe singing...maybe all of those! But expression, nonetheless. What traveling alone for several months taught me is to listen to my own voice. And to trust it. And to let it out. Spend each day putting it out into the world. Sharing. I like sharing. And the creative aspect. Creating characters. I just need assignments. A program of some sort to follow. Research a dead celebrity and write a paper from her perspective. Anne Sexton. Maybe Margaret Thatcher. she dead? Mother Teresa. Or maybe I'll write the story of the south. The Peeks & Pangborn pool.
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