Walking to work today, a woman in front of me had on a smart heel and suit, carrying an ice coffee in her hand. I don't want that to be me. Not so sure I want to wear that outfit again. We'll see. But yesterday a woman treated me like a servant. Admittedly, I'm a server, but I ain't nobody's servant.

As though my only function in this world was to refill her coffee. Period. And I had 3 tables of Europeans virtually stiff me back to back to back. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to do this. And this only. It hurt my heart, man. Offended my perception of the world. Behavior like that. And then I remembered hearing one of my mates while traveling say, "Oh, he's just a waiter." So I added to the tip. Gross. It's one thing to be frugal. Another to be cheap. Fine, semantics. Frugal is nothing more than a euphemism. But something made cheaply falls apart after one use. Something constructed with frugality seems to have everything needed, with no excess or waste, right?
My friend says corporate America equals 2 things: money and stability. That's it. I'm not sure I agree. First of all, my last corporate job was in telecom. Hee, hee! That's one rough and tumble industry, but a fun ride at that. It can be creative. It can be challenging. Rewarding. And it's been a long time since she was in that environment, so hmm. What is corporate America? Anyone want to comment?
So what about a place for me that combines the two? Deals with people and helping them, has structure and policies, and health insurance and cool projects that I get to create and research, and that lets me work remotely. I know, I know. I guess some part of me will always be in the clouds.
On the subway home, a man in a kilt was playing the bagpipes. And well, from what I could tell. I believed the story of the music.
at one time, GE was nothing more than a guy playing around with electricity in menlo park.
Lawyer? HA!
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