I´m hoping to get my haircut today. It's currently 4 different colors including my natural. I know, that's nothing for me, but it's different when the 4 colors are planned, not the bleached out mess from equatorial sun that I've got lately! Getting my hair cut here makes me a little nervous. I've had some disasters. But it seems like Bogotá is a better place to have it done than some rural part of South America that favors a mullet for chics! It's not that I'm particular about my hair. Ok, fine. I'm particular about my hair. I like it wild & a little crazy. Stripes? Why not?!? I view it as expression. And it ususally works out great...the stylist gets to create and I get to express. I'm hoping this cut will express what I want. We shall see. Another adventure!
So I paid 5,000 pesos to have my hair done. A whopping $2.50, or really a bit less! The stylist did a great job. She cleaned up all the ridiculous odds & ends I'd cut into the last style. For those of you who caught the last creation,

I still have a tiny bit of the shaved blond patch left. I gave the stylist a 2,000 pesos tip, which I'm told is fine. Total money spent: about $3.50. Sick!?! In NYC, the bills can run over $200.
I visited friends in different neighborhoods and cruised parts of the city. In the center of Bogota, there is a good bit of art. Whether sculpture, paintings, graffiti. I like it. I went to San Andresito too. It's the label market. Puma, Bebe, Ralph Lauren, they've got it all in San Andresito. After goodbyes to the family and a quick exchange of gifts, that evening I hopped the bus for Cali. Headed south, the trek back into Ecuador and then farther south into Perú has begun. Wish me luck!
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