I visited Plaza Simon Bolivar, where the president and senators live. The plaza is known in history for political protests, guerilla attacks, that sort of thing. A great deal of it is under construction still from those types of insurrections. George Bush was here recently, staying in the house of the Colombian president (Alvaro Uribe). Apparently, no one went near the plaza

After lunch, I drank chicha in la Candeleria. It's a Colombian specialty made from fermented corn and miel. It's a bit of an aquired taste but a must try! They say you can drink one, but two and you're zonked! La Candeleria is the most historic neighborhood in Bogotá. Many of

I'm staying with a friend's family here in Bogota. It's really nice to be around a family. It makes me miss mine. Hi you guys, if any of you are reading this! Love you! And happy birthday, DAD!! They are five, the same as in mine! The mom Luz, dad Luis, older sister Lina and two younger, rascally brothers John & Daniel. I've been teaching Lina English. It's hard!! But I'm enjoying having to think! Seems like it's been a while...
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