Today I visited the Museo del Oro, the museum of gold. It showcases gold from indigenous pre-Colombian cultures as early 100 AD. There is also an exhibit about shamans. Facinating stuff. They believe that when in heightening states they become birds and can travel to distant places. Not sure about you, but I can dig it!

Apparently, during colonization, Spain pillaged most of Colombia, well most of South America, of most of its resources. So the gold on display is mostly from indigenous cultures who had habits of burying their dead with objects of value.
I also went to the top of the Colpatria, the tallest building in Bogotá. Fifty floors. Bogotá is like the sea, you can't see the end of it! It's the fourth largest city in Latin America, after Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires & Mexico City. It's the largest city I've seen thus far and it's immense. NYC is huge up to the sky. Bogotá sprawls but it's a compact sprawl. There aren't vacancies like in Quito.

During the month a February, Bogotá has bullfighting. I got a few pictures of the ring. There is a fairly large movement here (and in Ecuador from what I've seen) against bullfighting. The signs typically claim that torture is neither art nor culture.
I closed out the afternoon visiting Mercados de Pulgas. Hee hee, the direct translation is markets of fleas! They're fun here. New and used items, not just used. But no actual fleas, I hope!
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