In Huacachina, and Lima a little too, I felt stuck. As though I couldn´t get my tush in gear. The days I planned to leave dragged on in both places. It was only a day per spot but I don't like wanting to leave a place and having to hang around. I know. All in all, what do I have to worry about? It's just the feeling of being stuck, delayed. Again I'm just a girl accustomed to living in NYC, moving and shaking, where you can get anything pretty much anytime. I guess I'm still not so good at relaxing, taking it easy. Three months of vacation and I'm still a spaz...
So I'm stuck in Nazca too (AAAHHHHH!!!!) and just threw a fit in a tourist agency trying to secure a ticket on to Arequipa. I wanted to take an overnight bus tonight but now have to stay in Nazca overnight, won't get to Arequipa until Sunday morning. I think I've had some stress, well, something building since Lima and, it broke free tonight when I couldn´t get the heck out of Nazca. Sometimes a girl's just gotta cry. Oh dear. I feel so bad for the people who worked in the agency. They handled it quite well. It was a quiet storm. I didn't throw anything, yell, even hardly speak, just tears. What a wreck.
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