Sunday, April 1, 2007

A bucket of juice

I forgot to mention! Yesterday I went to a restaurant called the Mundo de Jugos, the world of juices, and got a bucket of fresh juice! Yes, they serve your order in a bucket. Granted, it's a small bucket, but anyway, all for a dollar! I got tomate de arbol, tomato of the tree...a fruit we don't have that I've seen in NYC...lost in translation. And also, I was introduced to several new fruits...zapote, lulo, maracuya, curuba. The bucket of juice is pretty much a smoothie, the fruit of your choice with ice, a little milk and sugar. YUM!

1 comment:

Lynn and Rick said...

HA! I was just looking into a fruit and milk diet. Your fruit sounds better than my choices. I'm jealous. :-)