Today I took a 4 hour horse ride. Well, we paid for 4 hours but got shorted a good bit of the last hour. My horse Arafat preferred to be the lead horse. Maybe it's me, not the horses. I treated the horses to bananas. They eat them whole, including the peel,

There was a fire show tonight too. Everyone headed down to the bar for it. All of Ecuador is dry right now. Tomorrow there is a mandatory vote, si or no, to change the constitution. Correa, the new president as of January, wants to take power away from the Congress for himself. Most of the people seem to support the action. Congress is apparently quite corrupt. From what I hear, Correa is sharp. The US has troops stationed here that supposedly spray the land to kill any Ecuadorian cocaine supply. Correa said he'd allow the US troops to continue to occupy that land as long as Ecuador could have a part of Miami Beach. Nice argument. I met Priscila & Veronica at the bar, two Ecuadorian girls who live in Loja. They came to the hostel knowing they'd be able to get a drink. Because the hostel owners are German and aren't allowed to vote, they can serve & drink liquor. The weekend has been declared dry so that all of Ecuador will reflect on tomorrow's vote. An English guy at the hostel laughed at the notion. He said that were they to ban liquor in England prior to an election, there would be rioting, insurrection, perhaps even revolution. Priscila & Veronica have both tried to visit the US but were denied visas, Priscila twice. It's a matter of luck & random selection. People with none of their papers in order get visas. People with everything set get denied. How frustrating.
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