Tuesday, March 13, 2007


It´s difficult for me because, as much as I may love people and the people I´ve been traveling with for the past few weeks, sometimes I think I am better alone. Or that I have to have time to myself. Or that in reality I´m a solitary creature. With a group, there´s always some part of me in the distance...my eyes adrift if even for only a moment. Those who know me well know this look, but for more recent friends, I think it may be uncomfortable. It´s as though I feel my destiny or fate lies elsewhere. In this moment with this company, I should be present celebrating, but some part of me is somewhere else.

I heard Crazy for You by Madonna today and thought of my friend Giovanni. The nut used to sing that song to me and, when I was in a bad mood, it always made me laugh. I miss being able to be wacky and have it be understood. Sometimes I wish I could be back to New York for just a bit of time to do something silly to make people laugh. I miss laughing for 20 minutes about the silliest of things, looking at Julie laughing, her manner of laughing only making me laugh more. I miss my friends, my family, my people and hope everyone is ok. Today, whoever is reading this has an assignment, as do I. We have to do something silly to make someone else in this world laugh. Not just a giggle, but an all out roar of a laugh, ok?!? OK!

1 comment:

Sockmonkee said...

Are you ready for THIS Jelly?
I moved the BIG BAR down a notch on the scale this morning! * Happy Dance*!
If you need a laugh my friend dont forget the Georgia Girls that love you too! Just think about the "two Hander"....tee hee! LOVE YOU!! MISS YOU!!!