Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Volcanic explosions

The day in Baños, nothing special, laundry, lunch with friends. But the night prior, another matter indeed! The volcano is active. It let out several explosions last night around 1 am. Bursts of lava shot from the top, followed by huge booms--light traveling faster than sound. The lava poured down the side of the mountain but not enough to do damage to the town or homes, only to vegetation. It´s the first time in my life I´ve witnessed molten fire spouting from an active volcano.

This morning as well the vcolcano spewed dust, smoke and soot. It rained a bit last night so the fire and lava must have cooled. Sad to think and say, but the colors coming from the volcano reminded me of the Twin Towers explosions, only of a smaller scale.

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